
清明上河圖 Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival (動態版Animated Version)

《清明上河圖 》動態版已經擺放在facebook上,其網址是「http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=33658&id=1771556112&l=aefcdb58ae 」歡迎大家前去觀看這件國寶!

The 'Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival (Animated Version) ' are posted on facebook, the website is http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=33658&id=1771556112&l=aefcdb58ae , welcome to visit this beautiful picture! Cities in the Song Dynasty underwent drastic changes when compared with those in previous times. These revolutionary changes canbe seen in the urban outlook such as appearance of shops and workshops along the streets, or the social life of people with enrichment their cultural lives.


「心繫香江 - 重溫往日情」 collections

「心繫香江 - 重溫往日情」小冊子已擺放在MTR某些站裡頭,這本小冊子裡頭有一些非常值得珍藏的圖片,你可以通過欣賞這些照片,來一起回味過去香港的點點滴滴!「心繫香江 - 重溫往日情」已有10多本,在此本人及本站多謝黃鎮國先生Mr. Ben Wong 的鼎力協助。